About Paul Maas Illustration
To understand how something works and translate that into an image: that’s been a daily fascination for me for over 35 years. Pleasure in drawing, painting and design come together with my interest in an immens number of topics, developments and changes in the world, be they in the present, the past or the (possible) future.
2010 - present
Lecturer in Data Visualization & Infographics course, Center for communication and journalism, Hogeschool Utrecht. Lessons in application of maps in data visualization & infographics.
Partner in the research project “Every Picture Tells a Story” about interdisciplinary collaboration in the making of infographics, at the Hogeschool Utrecht.
2011 – 2019
Supervisor practical assignments for the minor Data Visualization & Infographics, Hogeschool Utrecht.
2009 – 2019
BNO Zuid, member of the workgroup installed to initiate, organize, supervise and implement activities for BNO members in the South of the Netherlands.
2009 – heden
Paul Maas Illustration. Start of a one-man business in Tilburg.
2002 – 2003
Member of the Section of Infographics Netherlands (VIN).
2000 – 2001
Teacher three-dimensional drawing, Sint Lucas in Boxtel, MBO study visual communication.
1990 - 2000
Guest lecturer at AKI Enschede. Guest lectures informative illustration in association with Eric van Rootselaar at the graphic design and illustration departments of AKI.
1997 – 2009
Paul Maas & Eric van Rootselaar illustrators. Location in Tilburg.
Cover ‘Vormberichten’, journal of the BNO in association with Lieke Abbenhuis.
1992 – 1996
Member BNO workgroup students and education.
1991 – 1996
Board member BNO, section individual members.
1980 - 1990
1988 – 1999
Op ten Noort Blijdenstein architects and consultants at Utrecht. Illustrator and designer of 2-d presentations.
1985 – 1988
Workgroup member of the Illustrator Consultation within the GVN (BNO).
1984 – 1985
Traveling GVN exhibition ‘Illustratoren Tekenen’. Den Bosch, Apeldoorn, Alkmaar.
GVN exhibition ‘Is Getekend’ at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Exhibition of technical illustrations “Noordzee Energie” at Total Design in Amsterdam.
1981 januari
Start of Paul Maas & Eric van Rootselaar illustrators in Amsterdam.
Illustrator and draftsman at Ingenieursbureau Iwaco in Boxtel.
1980 april
Graduated from the Royal Academy of Art and Design in Den Bosch (St. Joost Den Bosch), Department of Illustrative Design.